What is the Bible? Exploring its meaning and message

Exactly what is the Bible and its purpose? What message was God trying to communicate to humans?

In terms of what people use the Bible for, they might go to the Scriptures to find hope, guidance, inspiration, or help with a difficult situation.

When we need encouragement from the Scriptures, I don't know about you, but often I think of single verses or relatively small passages. You might know someone (and maybe you've done this yourself) who opens the Bible at random and without looking-- points to a verse in the Bible to see how God's Word speaks to them in a difficult situation. 

I remember my professor in Bible college saying, each Bible passage and verse has one interpretation but many applications. So, you may very well find multiple applications even if you open the Bible at random to find a word from the Lord.

What can unpack valuable insights though is taking the time to study the verses and passages that apply to your situation.

But how about approaching God’s Word from an at-glance perspective to find encouragement in your journey?

Before getting into an overview of the message of the Bible, let's start with a definition:

The Bible

what is the Bible?

The Bible is a collection of 66 Books in which God guided various authors to produce different kinds of literature to present His message. 

Two major themes are divine love and holiness.

Short outline of the bible

One way to answer the question, "what is the Bible?" is with a basic outline of Scripture as follows…

1. Creation
2. Fall
3. Covenant (Israel)
4. Redemption
5. Church
6. Restoration

Starting at the Beginning—Creation

Sometimes the challenges in life might prompt us to ask, “why does God let this happen?” It may even seem that God doesn’t care or that He is distant. How do we find encouragement from the Book of Genesis and the original creation?

Well, it helps to remember that God’s intent was all good. In fact, nothing was corrupted when everything was first created. However, He gave us free will. Humans had the freedom to choose either good or evil.

Then Came the Fall

No—we’re not talking about the season here.

Unfortunately, the ones He created messed up. That mistake Christians call sin then passed on from generation to generation.

At one point, things got so bad that God had to wipe out the human race in a flood and start over.

I’ve heard some say that God was cruel to do that. What they don’t tell you in regard to the context is that the Nephilim were on the earth in those days. The human race was corrupted from the Sons of God mating with the “daughters of men.” In other words, according to many scholars, evil angelic beings took the form of flesh and had sexual relations with human women. Then came the giants who were "mighty men of renown."

Also, Genesis 6:11 paints this picture: The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

God gave the human race another chance. He started over and gave the same instructions to Noah’s family as He did Adam and Eve—be fruitful and multiply…fill the earth.

Once again, God’s original plan was good. Humans corrupted that plan.

God's Covenant with His People--Israel

In the Old Testament, you find the story of Abraham and the promise He made to Him, the story of Moses and the deliverance of His people, passages about sacrifices, the promise to David and succeeding generations, etc.

Despite the fall of humankind, God began a process of restoration starting with the covenants.

The sacrificial system God established with His people, the nation of Israel, pointed forward to the sacrifice Jesus made for us at the cross.

What might sound discouraging is the fact that animals had to be sacrificed, and that sacrifice had to occur at all in order to atone for sin. We must remember God’s provision and His grace when dealing with sin. In other words, no one will ever measure up to God’s holy standard, but because of God’s provision of His own Son as a sacrifice and His grace, our sins are forgiven. We just need to receive that gift.

Redemption Through Jesus Christ

Speaking of Jesus’ sacrifice, that is where redemption comes in for us. The animal sacrifices were no longer needed. Jesus redeemed or bought us back by His blood. As a result, God offers the gift of salvation to us. When looking for an answer to the question, "What is the Bible?"-- the short answer is, it's a Book of redemption through Jesus Christ.

The Church and its Mission

Following Jesus’ resurrection, the instruction to His followers was to spread the Good News of salvation everywhere including to the uttermost parts of the earth. People who have come to know Christ and continue to receive the gift of salvation today make up the church. The mission of the church remains the same—to continue spreading the message of the Gospel until the Lord returns.

Restoration to God's Originally Intended State of Perfection

In the end, God’s plan is to restore His creation to the originally intended state. There’s a lot to fix, however. Jesus’ return will establish His kingdom on the earth as well as His peace. Revelation 21:1-5 is a beautiful picture of this:

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.

The passages regarding the return of Christ as in Revelation 21 give us hope. The trials and tribulations we experience in this life and see going on in this world will give way to a new and perfect heaven and earth.

The Epic of Eden

For a deeper understanding of the Biblical narrative, and especially the Old Testament, I highly recommend The Epic of Eden by Sandra Richter. Many people find the Old Testament to be quite complicated. Dr. Richter does an excellent job of helping Bible readers more easily understand the Old Testament. Also, she explains the Old Testament well in relation to the big picture--the Bible as a whole.

The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament: Richter, Sandra L.: 0884180165069: Amazon.com: Books

Epic of Eden Bible Study – My Seedbed

The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament: Sandra L. Richter: 9798200404698: Amazon.com: Books

For a list of Bible Themes in the New Testament, see the following page:


For a list of Bible themes in the Old Testament, see the following page:


For encouragement from specific verses in the Bible, check out These links...

Short Bible Verses (encouragementscriptures.com)--memorable Scriptures you can easily take with you

Bible Verses About Anxiety (encouragementscriptures.com)--for help and support in dealing with this common struggle

Dealing with Sadness and Depression | Encouragement Scriptures--to find uplifting messages and steps to overcome feelings of depression

Bible Verses on Perseverance (encouragementscriptures.com)--if you are facing adversity in your life and need encouragement to get through those circumstances

Genealogies of the Bible (encouragementscriptures.com)--how genealogies can encourage you in your faith 

Bible Verses About Strength (encouragementscriptures.com)--finding strength in the Lord

How the Historical Context of the Bible can Encourage your Faith (encouragementscriptures.com)--specific verses from the historical context of the Bible and how it speaks to your faith.