A list of God’s Promises

rainbow representing one of God's promises

Life often involves ups and downs. You’re going through your day, and out of nowhere, things start to go wrong. You might go through one ordeal after another. You wonder where God is in the midst of the chaos. You think to yourself, “I should find a list of God’s promises.”

Bible verses on God’s promises reveal the unchanging divine nature.

I’d like to share 10 broad categories of God’s promises that you’ll find in the Scriptures. 

As outlined in the categories below, God’s makes promises that depend on our cooperation with Him. In other words, in order for God to fulfill His purpose in us, we must follow Him faithfully.

A List of god's promises--broadly categorized

1. God’s Presence

a list of God's promises illustration--candle-God's presence

Several verses come to mind about God’s presence in our lives. As mentioned, we have to do something in order to receive the promise, specifically in this case—His presence. 

For example, in Psalm 46:1, God says He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Well, in order for God to be our refuge, we need to accept the invitation and take refuge in Him.

Other passages about God’s presence include the statement by Jesus at the end of the Gospel of Matthew that I am with you always to the very end of the age. His promise applies to ones who have committed their lives to Him. God promises never to leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5 & Deuteronomy 31:6). Of course, we need to let Him in our lives and follow His will.

2. god's forgiveness

I John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God promises forgiveness, but the condition is, we must be willing to confess our sins as opposed to harboring those offenses in our hearts.

Sin can block our prayers. As Mark 11:25-26 makes clear, we need to make sure we hold no unforgiveness in our hearts. Otherwise, God won’t forgive us. Broadly speaking, what will allow our prayers to get through to God is confessing our sins regularly and continually renewing our minds regarding His will for our lives.

3. God's grace/help

God gives His grace freely in a variety of ways. He offers His wisdom (James 1:5), but once again, the promise comes with a condition. The one who asks must believe (James 1:6). For God to provide His grace to us, we need to humble ourselves (James 4:6). Also, because of what James 4:3 says, we need to check our motives.

4. God's fulfillment of his purpose in our lives

As Philippians 1:6 states, God will bring the work in us to completion. He has a plan and purpose for our lives, but we’re still human. We exercise our free will. Will we use our free will to follow His plan?

5. god's restoration

One major promise you’ll find in the Bible is God’s plan to restore His creation. Although events in this world will get worse before it gets better, according to end time prophecy, God promises a new heaven and new earth someday. You’ll see a beautiful picture of this in Revelation chapter 21.

6. God's justice

In much of prophetic and apocalyptic literature both in the Old and New Testaments, God promises to carry out justice. Situations in the world may not look like God is intervening, but He says that day will come. God’s promises to judge evil coincide with His attribute of justice.

7. God's promise of salvation for those who believe

The one verse, which is well-known is John 3:16—that whoever believes in Him (Christ) will not perish but have everlasting life. I’m also thinking of Romans 1:16-17 where it speaks of the Gospel as having power for those who believe, first for the Jew and then for the Gentile. Belief is the prerequisite for salvation. Romans 10:9 says “...because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved:" (ASV). 

It's important to emphasize that belief is not just saying you believe in Jesus. This belief must sincerely abide within in your heart.

When we trust in Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we have a heart-filled commitment to follow Jesus, to live out our faith, and to continue faithfully in a relationship with Him. 

a list of god's promises; a list of conditions

When you find a list of God’s promises, you might read specific verses that encourage you in your journey. However, we must keep in mind the overall context of Scripture and the broader categories in which God fulfills His Word.

Above, you’ll notice that in order to experience God fulfilling His promises in our lives, we must do something…

• Believe

• Confess our sins

• Follow His will

• Forgive others

• Ask God for help but with the right motives

• Humble ourselves

• Take refuge in Him

Let’s consider these points as we meditate on God’s promises.


For Another list of encouraging Bible verses for your Christian journey, check out this page that includes Bible verses about strength...
